[Ameridians & Covid] – Indigenous therapeutic practices
Based mainly on press articles, this section groups publications reporting curative strategies implemented by some Amerindian groups to combat covid-19.
- La Voz Ucayalina, February 3, 2021, article from the Ucayali online newspaper on the support given by anthropology students of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) to the Shibido care group, the Comando Matico of the city of Pucallpa (Ucayali region). https://www.lavozucayalina.pe/post/organizan-rifa-para-adquirir-furg%C3%B3n-que-atender%C3%A1-emergencias?fbclid=IwAR3e0hWrBq48mltg_-obBr30276c9o8wg3ecf2inyk6tp7gtrZrCB5Xbezg
- La Mula, articles by anthropologist Luisa Elvira Belaunde on the creation of a Shipibo-Conibo health group called Comando Mantico, in the city of Pucallpa (Ucayali region).
- 19 May 2020: https://luisabelaunde.lamula.pe/2020/05/19/matico-y-quina-plantas-del-bosque-socorren-a-la-ciudad/luisabelaunde/
- 27 May 2020: https://luisabelaunde.lamula.pe/2020/05/27/matico-descongestiona-trabas-burocraticas-en-la-diresa-ucayali/luisabelaunde/
- 09 June 2020: https://luisabelaunde.lamula.pe/2020/06/09/creacion-de-comando-covid-indigena-en-loreto/luisabelaunde/
- 09 August 2020: https://luisabelaunde.lamula.pe/2020/08/09/comando-matico-en-pucallpa-desafia-la-interculturalidad-inerte-del-estado/luisabelaunde/
- Ojo publico, April 15, 2020. Article by Peruvian anthropologist Rodrigo Lazo on the creation of Amerindian health groups to combat Coronavirus. https://ojo-publico.com/1755/un-comando-intercultural-para-frenar-el-covid-19-en-la-amazonia?fbclid=IwAR3L13b4iWnmzD9wBkre94lDXpjU9iME2ZA5rnCVt_fs-dnnIEwabYMU7Qw
- Facebook page of the Comando Matico, which gathers Shipibo people of the Ucayali region who have set up care protocols against Covid-19. https://www.facebook.com/ComandoMatico/
- La Voz Ucayalina, March 21, 2021. Article on the requisition of classrooms by a Shipibo teacher to treat Amerindian patients suffering from Covid-19. https://www.lavozucayalina.pe/post/mery-fasabi-docente-que-cambi%C3%B3-las-aulas-por-la-atenci%C3%B3n-de-pacientes-con-covid-19?fbclid=IwAR0C0Q_hyzPA5Uskv9Yls3DdYeIonqzbiE07DtSVfqR2gLCDrzmguuuXJ5o
- You Tube Channel on the usage of medicinal plants by the Paiter Surui of Rondonia. https://fr.paiter-surui.com/post/canal-no-youtube-sobre-plantas-medicinais-do-povo-paiter-suru%C3%AD
- Opinion, February 21, 2021. Article from the Bolivian newspaper Opinion on three Bolivian Amerindian groups (Charazani, Raqaypampa y Charagua) on the isolation techniques and the pharmacopeia used to combat Coronavirus. https://www.opinion.com.bo/articulo/revista-asi/medicina-natural-aislamiento-receta-indigena-sobrevivir-coronavirus/20210219234826808545.html?fbclid=IwAR3S4O3VwK7FtLPNilPRQat48NEtyvX2xxPbvsdvifEaGlLenNG2KZXBylg
Updated 09/29/2021:
The videos gathered below (from foreign and Bolivial media) document the use of medicinal plants (mainly eucalyptus, camomile and wira wira) in the Bolivian Andes.
- CAST – Video about local and Western medicine’s complementary relationship – Associated Press (USA press agency) – 29/01/21 – 1m24 Bolivia impulsa la medicina tradicional contra COVID-19 – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUMiCZhdyUo
- CAST – Short documentary film about the use of plants against Covid 19 (eucalyptus, camolile, wira wira) – DW-TV (German public television) – 18/01/21 – 3m39 Los límites de la medicina tradicional https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3FFc1IzylQ
- CAST – Video about medicinal plants (eucalypthis, camomile) – France 24 – 31/08/20 – 1m54 Las plantas medicinales, aliadas de los bolivianos en la pandemia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrdanKBRH7Q
- CAST – Documentary video about the use of eucalyptus, camomile and wira wira against Covid 19 – Testigo Directo, Bernabé Lopez, 24/04/20 – 6m07 https://www.bernabelopez.com/eucalipto-wira-wira-manzanilla-segun-yerbateras-la-triada-de-plantas-para-combatir-el-covid-19/
- CAST – Article about the use of eucalyptus, camomile and wira wira against Covid 19 – El Universo (Ecuateur) – 23/04/20 https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2020/04/23/nota/7821606/eucalipto-wira-wira-manzanilla-se-previene-covid-19-bolivia/
- CAST – Documentary video about preventive measures against Covid 19 (eucalyptus, camomile, wira wira ) – AFP – 17/04/20 – 2m21 Bolivianos buscan atajar el coronavirus con plantas medicinales ancestrales | AFP – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89WPgUJeCJ0
- US NEWS, October 8th 2020. “A Native American Clinic Gives Doses of Cultural Healing During COVID-19” is about the role elders from tribal communities living in Minneapolis in Minnesota have played in Covid 19 patients’ recovery. Web link: https://www.usnews.com/news/healthiest-communities/articles/2020-10-08/minneapolis-medical-clinic-embraces-native-american-cultural-healing-during-coronavirus