[Ameridians & Covid] – The evangelical missionaries
This section provides information on the increase in the number of proselytizing activities carried out among Amerindians in the context of the health crisis.
- Carta capital, April 15, 2020. Article by Felipe Milanez on the attempts of missionaries from the New Tribe Mission to enter the indigenous territories of Brasil in the wake of the pandemic. https://www.cartacapital.com.br/sociedade/indigenas-vao-a-justica-contra-missionarios-na-amazonia-para-impedir-genocidio/
- Mongabay, April 4, 2020. The story is about an evangelical pastor’s attempt to enter into contact with uncontacted indigenous people in Brazil. https://es.mongabay.com/2020/04/brasil-pastor-evangelico-pueblos-indigenas-coronavirus/
Series of reports on anti-vaccine campaigns led by evangelical missionaries. In these investigations, we discover that some actors of the protestant proselytizing movement spread false information about vaccines to convince Amerindians to reject them.
- BBC News, March 22, 2021: https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/brasil-56433811
- Epoca Globo, January 29, 2021: https://epoca.globo.com/brasil/pastores-afastam-indigenas-da-vacinacao-relatam-liderancas-24860509
- Amazonia Real, January 05,2021: https://amazoniareal.com.br/caos-na-pandemia-indigenas-viram-alvo-de-fake-news-antivacina/
- Acritica, February 11, 2021: https://www.acritica.com/channels/coronavirus/news/pastores-invadem-aldeias-com-mitos-e-atrapalham-vacinacao-de-indigenas-no-am